Table of Contents
Chapter 1. The Astronomical Siddhantas
a. The Solar System According to the Surya-siddhanta
b. The Opinion of Western Scholars
c. The Vedic Calendar and Astrology
d. The Starting Date of Kali-yuga
e. The Distances and Sizes of the Planets
f. The Size of the Universe
Chapter 2. Vedic Physics: The Nature of Space, Time, Matter
a. Extending Our Physical World View
b. The Position of Krishna
c. Mystic Siddhis
d. The Activities of Demigods, Yogis, and Rishis
e. Regions of This Earth Not Perceivable by Our Senses
Chapter 3. Vedic Cosmology
a. Bhu-mandala, or Middle Earth
b. The Earth of Our Experience
Chapter 4. The Vertical Dimension
a. The Terminology of Three and Fourteen Worlds
b. The Seven Planets
Chapter 5. The Empirical Case of the Vedic World System
a. Unidentified Flying Objects
b. The Link with Traditional Lore
c. The Events at Fatima
Chapter 6. Modern Astrophysics and the Vedic Perspective
a. The Principle of Relativity and Planetary Motion
b. Gravitation
c. Space Travel
Chapter 7. Red Shifts and the Expanding Universe
a. Hubble's Expanding Universe
b. Anomalous Red Shifts: The Observation of Halton Arp
c. Hubble's Constant and Tired Light
d. Quasars
e. Quantized Red Shifts
Chapter 8. Questions and Answers
Appendix 1: Vamshidhara on Bhu-mandala and the Earth Globe
Appendix 2: The Role of Greek Influence in Indian Astronomy
a. Pingree's Theory Regarding Aryabhata
b. The Main Argument for Pingree's Theory
c. A Preliminary Critique of Pingree's Argument
d. The Theory of Observation
e. Indian Trigonometry: A Speculative Reconstruction
f. Another Speculative Reconstruction
List of Tables
List of IIlustrations
Last updated on October 21, 1995.
© 2004 Govardhan Hill Publishing